Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pope Francis washes the feet of young juveniles.. great courage and love..

Pope Francis washing and kissing the feet of juvenile
prisoners cutting across race and religion in a Rome prison
Leading by example .. First he shuns the Vatican papal palace as his home  and goes for a modest room at the Vatican Guest House, now he is connecting with the people without the usual bullet proof limousine etc. 


Another video ..

He is trying to bring true virtues of Christianity, humility, peace, love, sharing, happiness, concern back to Christendom .. He may be bringing sleepless nights and frustration to the coterie around the earlier popes, like the Secretary of State of Vatican State, Cardinal Bertone and others and truly to their exasperation.

The Vatican city and its splendour ..

The youth of the juvenile prison included two girls and Muslims .. The other popes may have done on other priests feet .. (including the other conventional Orthodox churchs' High Priests washing priests' feet). This is way different and goes out of the way and has stunned the whole world.

In one swift move he has shamed all disbelievers, made Muslims around the world to turn back and have a look .. He may the new Ambassador for world peace and may be able to bring Iran and the west see eye to eye ..

It is all about love for humanity .. It does not carry any religion's impact. Religion is just one way of serving people on earth and through that reaching a higher plane of living ..

Anyway, the new Pope is poised to shake up the Vatican establishment which has been the subject of much ridicule the past many years !!

His video of the Good Friday service .

News item on Good Friday sermon ..

Reaching out to the Muslim world.. !!!!!!!! Great leadership and statesmanship ..!!


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