Tuesday, March 26, 2013

www.alibaba.com .. scaring the world ..!!

Gone are the days of the oil sheikh and the yankees ..

The Chinese are here to stay .. I was surprised to read in The Economist of March 29 that at $170 billion e-commerce portal of www.alibaba.com (b-b), www.taobao.com (c-c) and www.tmall.com (b-c) are seven times as big as www.amazon.com and www.ebay combined. It is 1700 times the size of www.flipkart.com. It is presently two times the GDP of Dubai, an emirates in UAE.

By 2020, it is believed, just the e-commerce market in China will be combined markets of US, UK, Japan, Germany and France.

The figures coming out of China are mind boggling and it creates fear even among Indians, forget the puny West !! 

www.alibaba.com has 6 million registered vendors at its sites.. www.alipay.com ( offering an escrow service which allows customers to release payments to vendors only if they are satisfied with the products) and www.alifinance.com ( a micro lending site helping small vendors grow big offering micro finance) are the other fallouts which the world is very eagerly looking to ..

Value of Apple in 2009 was $ 80 billion and in 2013 it is $ 420 billion ..
Value of alibaba.com in 2013 is $ 120 billion and in 2017 ..??


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