Monday, March 11, 2013

Dr. Thimmappa Hegde at narayana hrudayalaya ..

Dr. Thimmappa Hegde talking to the MBA students ..
In his simple lucid style ....
Not missing the finer points ..
What passion Dr. Hegde shows in his talk on the importance of values and virtues in life ? It was a great opportunity for the MBA students of Alliance University, Bangalore to visit the healthcare facilities of Narayana Hrudayalaya , Bangalore and get an opportunity to listen to one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. The main point he was stressing throughout the talk was of the need to be content and thankful to God for the many blessings we have received from God ....

On our visits to Narayana Hrudayalaya Dr Thimmappa Hegde, humane to the core, spared time on two occasions during Feb 2013, to talk to students of Alliance University. At the philosophical level he exhorted them to be not just ordinary but extra ordinary individuals. He also wanted them to understand how blessed they were in comparison to the other thousands of patients inside the hospital and outside who do not enjoy most of the gifts given by God. 

In fact, the self of the students got really sublimed on hearing the words of moderation spoken by Dr Hegde with such great passion and conviction. The students were amazed to realise that they have nothing to complain or voice concern as they were so fortunate to be blessed with all gifts of life, good health, brain, parents, what not ... They should only be thanking God for all the good things showered on them.

Dr. Susheel and his colleague took great pains to take the students through the many facilities inside the hospital and explained the business aspects of health care operations and cleared all their doubts.

The students were thankful to the doctors and Narayana Hrudayalaya in particular for giving them insights into the expansion plans of the hospital and for letting the students understand that in order to excel in quality and to do things profitably, they need not look only at the top rich sections of the society, the fortune is actually at the bottom of the pyramid. In the process, they also have the satisfaction of serving the needy, poor and less fortunate in our society.

Thank you Doctor for teaching us lessons in simplicity and humility and still make it  possible to do things world-class and on global scale.

An experience the students will never forget for a long time..

Some snaps are here .. 

Report of an earlier visit of Dr Hegde to Alliance University ..


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