Monday, December 05, 2016

Can Uty be held responsible if a student performs badly or scores less in a subject ?

Oxford uty has been sued by an Indian origin student Faiz Siddiqui for £1 million for negligent, boring teaching at Oxford U in the subject of Indian imperial history for which he got low score which prevented him from getting a good career as an international lawyer.

Henceforth Universities will be held responsible for deficient teaching by their faculty members. 

Aerial view of the oldest,  800 year old Oxford University ..
We were under the impression that the teaching learning process is one where each side has equal responsibility in ensuring the success of the process. 

This case has brough another point to the fore, how well a Professor is able to induce students' interest in the subject by his vast reading and knowledge, quoting the right cases, situations, anecdotes etc which may not be assessed well in the existing system and hence is not given enough imprortance. Universities have to be careful as to which faculty teaches each subject and his/ her proficiency in that subject.

The other ethical question in the issue is whether the University can be held accountable for the professional behavious of its faculty as demanded by the student community. Should student's professional success be directly related to the faculty's excellence in the area and be linked to his compensation package in general ?

A debate in this topic needs to be initiated by involving both the staff and student communities too,.


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