Thursday, December 15, 2016

India's botched war on cash, HBR, 14 Dec, '16.

A Harvard Business Review doc of 14 Dec, by Prof Bhaskar Chakraborthy of the Fletcher School at Tufts university, giving a frank and open perspective on India's Demonetization drive, calling it a botched exercise..

It is also unique in that it is

1. A great social experiment 

2. Involving enforced digital disruption and 

3. Lot to learn for the world as almost $240 billion ( INR 15. 4 lakh crores) is at stake with 1.25 billion  people ..

A good global case for businesses and countries of the world of how an enforced digital disruption exercise could get botched up because of poor policy and even poorer execution and how it places great burden on the poor in the country ..

According to me, the event also throws up an innovative opportunity for Indians to wriggle out of this predicament in flying colours, as there is no other way out, and they will for sure ! 👍👍


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