Thursday, December 29, 2016

Naveen and Malu the dog ..

Naveen walking with Malu ..
We have heard of Hachiko, the dog which was so faithful to its master, Professor in Tokyo University that for eight years after the Professor's death, Hachiko used to wait for its master at the  Shibuya station, till its death in real life in 1935. Click here for the Hachiko's real life story and pics ...

A similar story is unfolding in Kerala. This is the story of Malu (Malikapurathu - how women who visit Sabarimala are called), the dog which accompanied Naveeen from Beypore in North Kerala to Sabarimala in Pathanamthitta. Naveen as a form of offering offered to walk all the 600 km from his house to the shrine of Ayyappa at Sabarimala in Pathanamthitta dist in Kerala.

Malu taking a quick nap ..
The 600 km journey which started on the 9 th of December when Malu started accompanying Naveen lasted till Dec 23, when after the darshan Naveen took his faithful friend in a KSRTC bus back to Beypore.

Malu used to either walk in front or behind its master. All during the 600 km walk, Naveen fed the dog only water and biscuits and Malu was too happy, it was also taking fast to be able to see Lord Ayyappan.. The only time during this period when Malu left Naveen's side was when Naveen was having darshan of the deity Ayyappa.

For 36 hours during the darshan time malu was separated from Naveeen and later they were united.

Now they are friends for life !

I am Malu, where's my master gone ?
There is something in this world which is beyond human comprehension. It is said that during the journey every day Naveen starts his walk at 3 AM and Malu would very regularly wake him up during that time.

Why did the dog get close to the person ?   Not for a day or 2 kms, but for 600 kms and almost 2 weeks ?

Is animal intelligence at a much higher level than human intelligence ?

george. (photo courtesy Indian Express and the Huffington Post)

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