Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Is Indian lean less effective than the Japanese lean ?

Just like the top-down lean approach propounded by Toyota and other successful Japanese companies are getting propagated, a new form of bottom-up lean approach is coming out of India, especially in the telecom sector. 

Following Reliance Jio 4G which disrupted the ecosystem initially with its free voice calling offer, has now four followers ready to offer free national calling and charging roughly two dollars for 28 day limited Internet. 

3 more Indian telecom service providers Reliance Communications, Aircel and BSNL besides Vodafone for youngsters below age 30 in Goa state are in the fray now offering free no frills attached voice calls within the country ..

Why and how is it that India's quality low-cost innovation initiatives are giving a run for money for the costly western, Chinese and Japanese initiatives in the area ?

Finally in the long run, globally someone has to fail and someone has to sustain and survive. Who will survive in the long run, Japanese or Indian lean service providers ?

The coming days will give an indication ..  the developments are being very closely watched from around the world.  👍👌

Can Reliance Jio, the first disruptor in the system, survive the heavy competition in the Indian market initially, with already 52 million mobile connections of a total of 1050 million plus (app 5%) and survive or be washed out ?


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