Sunday, August 18, 2019

Recent studies of a nuclear holocaust

Copyright The Sun, UK ..
What can happen to the world in case of a nuclear winter. The early study in 2007 was done by NASA which had predicted seven years of winter and an 80 km plume of ash and smoke effectively totally blocking out the sun for up to 7 years.

The recent study was undertaken by Rutgers University Environmental Scientist Joshua Cope and published in 2019.

As of today, planet earth through it's nine nuclear forces countries (in possession of nuclear bombs) in total hold about 14,570 nuclear bombs. 

Amount of nuclear warheads (and percentages) held by the nuclear power states of the world

RankCountryNo. of nuclear warheadsPercentage
9North Korea150.01

What would that nuclear holocaust moment look like ?
 The study mentioned the damage these countries could pose to earth and humanity in general.
All forms of life would we wiped out.

The dust and smoke would rise up to a height of 120 kms into the air.

The nuclear winter that results would last for a long ten years.

The temp on earth would be about 13 deg C

No sunlight and excess of radiations would result in zero vegetation

Even animal life would not be there. 

How long would it take for planet earth to recover from this accident. To make things short, any form of life, human, animal and sea life, on land or water would not come up at least for the next million years.The damage would be so extensive and damaging that human life would

Which are the countries capable of bringing maximum damage to the planet ?

Because of these nuclear warheads, these countries can in short hold the other 184 countries (of the total 195 countries) to ransom. 

If by that time, human settlements start on Moon and Mars, those people would escape the nuclear holocaust and spared death. They would be carrying human species on Moon or Mars and back to earth after a million years.


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