Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Climate Change and River Piracy - Slims river, Canada

The dry Slims river ..
This is an event that happens only once in 18,000 years, a river running dry because the source of water for the river changed its course..

Kaskawulsh glacier in the Yukon territory in North East Canada, bordering Alaska in 2017 faced this unique event.

Click here for the video ..

The Kaskawulsh glacier slipped by over 100 - 400 metres due to climate change and in the process it started sharing its melt water southward into the river Alsek, instead of Kluane river.

Glacial river Slims runs dry  in 4 days ...
What happened was instead of the glacial river flowing north into the Kluane lake and then into the Bering Sea, suddenly in a matter of 4 days in April 2017 started flowing southward into the Alsek river and then into the Pacific Ocean. 

What happened was that a 300 year old river Slims suddenly became barren ..

This is an interesting hydrological event called River Piracy. One river taking over another river and in the process causing the earlier river to dry out.

In the past 18,000 years planet earth has not witnessed such a river piracy where one river changes direction and is taken over by another river ..

The main culprit for this hydrological phenomenon is climate change. The glacial source, Kaskawulsh glacier, got displaced as surrounding glaciers also had got displaced due to the climate change.

Water changing direction
Click here for a Guardian report ..

Will such major hydrological disruptive event happen in the Himalayas ? Being the youngest of all mountain ranges on Earth, the possibility is high.

It would be a disaster if the river Ganges from the glacial source in the Himalayas, which is a source of livelihood and water to the population of four to five North Indian states and flowing into the Bay of Bengal, in a period of a week suddenly flow Northwards into China and thence into the South China sea.

Maybe it will happen after ONLY another 18,000 years !!

George.. (pic courtesy Nature GeoScience and Arkansan Gazette)

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