Thursday, August 15, 2019

Top 10 reasons why we need peace in Jammu and Kashmir ..

Jammu and Kashmir has seen a raging fire,  ever since 1947, firings, killings, threats, unemployment, accusations and on and on .. How many lives have been lost over Kashmir on both sides ? Is Kashmir such geographically strategic place in global history and civilization as to deserve such attention and adoration ? Or is it the devious intent of a minority due to the fear of losing political control which is the main driving force behind the political unrest and violence ?

Firstly we all agree Kashmir is a troublesome place. Article 370 was meant to pacify the rulers of Kashmir around 1947 to coerce them into joining with the Indian Union. Over 73 years it has not done any good to the people of Kashmir nor to India, than draining the Kashmiri people's confidence and the Indian Union's resources, often putting the defence forces at great stress and strain. This article tries to look at some issues that is preventing bringing permanent peace to Jammu and Kashmir and the steps needed to overcome it.

1. Kashmir is no more it's rulers and separatist leaders, it is the people : The people's will only will and should survive. The Indian Union accommodated the selfish leaders and fundamentalists for too long a time, they have failed the people of Jammu and Kashmir completely. They don't deserve to take the people for a ride anymore. The selfish leaders and their supporters have no say in Kashmir affairs any more. Only the dreams, hopes and aspirations of the people will be respected..

2. Massive Unemployment : It has massive unemployment, no development and a bleak future for youngsters because of its own policy to enforced self-seclusion. The agony and anguish of the youngsters is building up as lawlessness and violence against Indian Union.  If employment is provided for youngsters with industrial growth, youngsters can gain productive employment in J&K itself. 

3. Fear of loss of political power : The fundamentalists and the so-called intellectuals from India are blocking J&K's development because of their fear that their political influence over the people will be lost. Doesn't the people there deserve some peace, growth and prosperity ? All this while, we blocked it for the people there. 

4. Lack of individual freedom and liberty - Kashmiris have had the heavy baggage of the past to carry, of kingdoms, autocrats. They have barely respected the aspirations of the people. In the modern world of respecting individual freedom and liberty, let us take the people of J&K along with the rest of the country, assuring them of all freedom as available for the rest of the country.

5. Strain to racial and religious purity : If some people are concerned about the strain to the racial and religious purity there, why were Kashmiri Pandits driven away decades back from Kashmir ? If we look at the bigger picture, this is the best option for the people of J&K in terms of personal liberty and freedom anywhere in the world..

6. Fear of repetition elsewhere in India - J&K issue was like a burning fire, no party wanted to burn their hands. Good that PM Modi has taken a decisive step which will help the youngsters find employment and help lead a meaningful life, than just pelt stones, get hit by pellets and bullets, day in, day out. One action need not be misconstrued as a regular action elsewhere. Let's not have that fear. ๐Ÿ™

7. Supporters of peace are gullible - Not gullible, but looking at practical reality. I know some Kashmiris in Bangalore. It is unemployment which makes them easy prey to take to soft terrorism .. Look at the welfare of the Kashmiri people and material well-being if Peace returns there .. The selfish divisive leaders are a self proclaimed minority who by muscle and force, wouldn't allow the majority to express their opinion and live in peace and prosperity. They want the people always to live in obeisance and subjugation, not with liberty and pride. . 

8. Vicious cycle of violence, fear, unemployment and discontent - It's a vicious circle, no jobs, more discontent with India, more youngsters take to militancy, and more militancy, India gets tough, no peace and no growth leading to no jobs.

9. India cannot afford wasting lives and spending more resources on Kashmir : Somewhere this jinx has to be broken .. Blockades, unrest, etc can only stall the progress of the state and the country.

10. India as a whole needs to progress : We cannot afford a part of the country to reel in poverty, unemployment and unrest while the rest of the country is progressing and marching ahead. We want to take the whole country as one unit forward with love, respect, peace, upholding individual freedom and liberty, without disturbing the peace and liberty of the other 1.35 billion people of this country.

We need a break to this long and violent spiral of attacks, counter attacks, accusations, terrorism, guerilla attacks and so on. Let us express our opinion by the voice of the people.

Let's wait and watch the developments over the coming three four months, how things precipitate to be ..  Will it lead to more violence as desired by the minority separatists or more growth and development as desired by the majority ?

Let's give the people of Jammu and Kashmir on the Indian side, a taste of democracy, a chance to decide their future.. Let's give the 14 million people a chance to live in peace and prosperity.. ๐Ÿ™



  1. Great insight, nicely covered burning topic in various angles. Development and employment opportunities are the key to bring much needed peace to Kashmir Valley.Just tourism alone state can earn billions of dollars.Religious leaders and family parties should understand their days numbered and well connected world majority people should be allowed prosper in market economy.True azaadi is individual economic freedom and self reliant. In this article, Professor highlighted the wastage of resources in the form of control.Hope to see kashmiri youngsters to be aligned to development politics not religious politics and reap the benefits of world fastest growing economy "India"

  2. The Kashmiri Pundits must be brought back immediately..


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