Tuesday, September 17, 2019

EV Carbonomics ..

This future is not that far ..
Some interesting Carbon Footprint Economics or Carbonomics,
to make you ponder while buying your new car .. I have disposed my old car and have not yet thought of when to go for the new one. 

Would you buy a good second-hand car or a brand new one, (or an electric car), if you cared for the environment ? 

The Manufacturing Carbon footprint of a new average $30,000 IC engine car or electric car is about 14 metric T of CO2. 

So if you do not buy a new car, you are straight away preventing that 14 T CO2 from entering the atmosphere.

It would take 2,25,000 kms running for a modern efficient IC engine car emitting about 220g/km of CO2, just to offset the Manufacturing  CO2 footprint over a second hand car ..

How green is the electricity that powers your EV ?
If you buy an electric car instead, it takes just 90,000 km running to offset the Manufacturing CO2 footprint of 14 T. 

While the average efficient conventional IC engine car has a Carbon footprint of 220g CO2/running km, an average electric vehicle has a Carbon footprint of about 60g CO2/running km. ie. for every 100,000 kms running, an electric vehicle would emit 16 T less of CO2 than a conventional IC engine car. 

With lesser moving parts an electric car would in the long run, have lower Maintenance Carbon footprint compared to an IC engine car.  

Keep these facts in mind when you buy your new car.

A major objection raised by opponents of EV relates to the origin of electricity that powers your batteries. Is this energy green ?? For the time being, this energy is coming from carbon polluting coal and other thermal resources across the country.  Unless we have a sound solar energy policy, ths question will be an issue in the country.

Click here for a doc that gives more idea on Carbonomics ..


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