Thursday, March 26, 2020

Bill Gates on Corona virus pandemic ..

A *TED Connect* talk Bill Gates gave yesterday to Chris Anderson of 52 minutes duration. If you are interested in knowing more about this pandemic spread and how to contain it, this talk will be interesting and definitely worth listening .

Bill Gates tries to explain 

1. why testing of virus by using self swabs and isolation of patients is very important. 

2. Whether the blood serum of recovered patients will help us cater the needs of at least 3 patients every week ? 

3. Is therapeutic acceleration of vaccine development possible? 

4. Will the economic impact be disastrous for the poor world  ?

5. Can countries and companies help each other in these times of crisis ?

6. What are the lessons for humanity to get ready for the next pandemic  ?

7. Why kids and students need be mentored to switch over to the online format?


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