Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A huge space debris is coming down ..

On the right we see the International Space Station that has been up there since year 2000 continuously occupied as a space collaboration initiative of the countries of US, Russia, European Space agency, Canada and Japan.  Sadly India and China, the two most populous countries of the world and the next two super powers do not find a pride of place in the ISS initiative.

Why has this lapse happened on the part of global space powers ? Especially when both India and China have even reached the planet of Mars on their own initiative.

Space debris has always been a problem in the interstellar space and this time it is at the low earth orbit. About 2.9 T space debris (20 year old 48 units of Nickel Hydrogen batteries) that powered the International Space Station released by end 2020 is set to hit earth around the first six months of 2023. 

This old battery has been up there at 408 km attitude since 2000 for 20 years. It is said it will take another 2.5 years for it to enter earth;s atmosphere. Once it enters atmosphere, it will mostly burn down before it reaches the earth, 

It has been replaced by 24 units of  the more efficient Lithium ion batteries.

The same Li-ion batteries power your mobile phones and laptops, thanks to Yoshino, Whittingham and  Prof. JOHN Goodenough who shared the 2019 Chemistry Nobel prize for its invention.

How long will this space collaboration last ? We are not sure. But the ISS is a great example of international space collaboration between the countries that matter especially US and Russia.

Some facts on ISS : (from wikipedia)

The International Space Station is a modular space station in low Earth orbit. It is a multinational collaborative project involving five participating space agencies:NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, and CSA. The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements. Wikipedia

View on Maps:
Orbital speed: 7.66 km/s; (27,600 km/h; 17,100 mph)
Orbits per day: 15.54
Days in orbit: 22 years, 3 months, 15 days; (7 March 2021)
Orbital inclination: 51.64°
Orbital decay: 2 km/month

ISS has a life upto 2024, another 3 years more, but the life can even be extended upto 2028. Will the world collaborate , this time not forgetting India and China on another global space collaboration, we have to wait and see. Or will India and China on their own launch their own permanent space stations to the wonderment of the existing five powers ? 

Click here for a Popular Mechanics article on what is the future of ISS and other space stations countries may launch ? 


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