Sunday, March 21, 2021

Why am I wary after reading Yuval Noah Harari's books ?

I do enjoy reading and writing, but Yuval Noah Harari's classic books, Sapiens, Homodeus and 21 ideas for the 21st century have really disturbed me. How could a barely forty year old history professor in 2011 in Tel Aviv have such a profound understanding of the past and insight into the future? Only the first two books of Harari are discussed here.

The first book of Harari, Sapiens gave an excellent account of the past 75,000 years of the planet earth, human evolution and how Homosapiens took over other human species like Neanderthal, Homoerectus etc.. 

In three stages covering the cognitive revolution from seventy five thousand years back to agricultural revolution about ten thousand years back and then to the scientific revolution spanning the past five hundred years, Homosapiens have successfully passed through these stages, the many events and reached this point in time looking promisingly into the future. 

Harari's second book Homodeus talks of what is in store for Sapiens for the next ten thousand years. It was Fear of the unknown that made us believe in Gods and religions, say from thirty thousand years back. In the future with enough complete knowledge of the world around us, unknown parameters have little influence over the algorithms that govern our daily life, data and information processing capability will decide our growth.

Dataism will continue to be the dominant faith and principle dominating human evolution. The data processing capability of physical artificial systems over natural biological systems will ensure the survival or decay of human civilization. Will it later lead to the domination of machines over man ?

The first two books look at human mind evolution until now and into the future for the next couple of thousand years. Though the picture into the future is a bit scary and fearful, a proper correct balanced understanding of what can happen from Harari's perspective gives us a feeling of some comfort and solace.

But can a different perspective of the future, like the influence of extra terrestrial intelligence (ETI), which is not discussed in the book, take us totally off track ? Only time can tell. 



  1. This offers an intriguing and concise account of what was, what is and what could be. What you said about dataism truly resonates with I beleive to be future where algorithms will supersede human intelligence in high impact areas.

  2. Thanks Tejus, that resonates pretty well with what Harari speaks out to the world through his book. Better watch, the future looks a bit scary ..


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