Friday, March 19, 2021

Role play on Kochi International airport challenges

This morning we did a role play on the challenges faced by Kochi International airport in its renewable energy drive in the MBA sem 2 operations class. 

Student Role play descriptions

 Scenario 1

One of the busiest airports in India in terms of international traffic, Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) runs fully on solar energy. This airport has emerged as the pioneer in embracing sustainability. The Cochin International Airport grabbed global attention during the devastating Kerala floods, as it had to be shut down for 15 days in a row. 

We, a group of three students from ll Semester, Operations Management (Batch 2020-22) performed a role play on a case study based on Cochin Airport. The problem which we needed to cater to was “Climate change and the threat of floods pose an existential threat to Cochin international airport”. The roleplay was done in the form of 3 stakeholders; Customer, Employee, and Management. 

The first part of the roleplay consisted of what problems could Cochin International Airport encounter with their solar panels in times of changing climatic conditions and floods due to heavy rainfalls. 

It started with the customer enquiring to the employees of the airport whether it would be a safe idea to travel to and fro from CIAL during extreme rainy seasons as it could affect the airport that runs entirely on solar power, in a bad way.  

The customer inquired whether the airport was well equipped to handle the heavy rainfall and whether its solar panels could sustain the functioning of the airport. The employee listened to the customer and made sure to take this issue up with the management so that the customer could be better educated about the entire running of the airport. 

After a brainstorming session, we came up with certain solutions to the problem. A few of the ideas are listed below-

•    Solar Panels generate electricity by absorbing photons from sunlight. On a cloudy day, the photons particles are less, this could be substantiated by increasing the number of solar installations to cope up with such vagaries of nature and ensure uninterrupted energy supply.

•    Installation of lightning rods to prevent any potential damage to the solar panel by lightning strikes. We also proposed that there might be a way to convert lightning into a usable form of energy which could be uncovered through research work.

•    Installation of the Solar Panels on steep roof infrastructure with panel sealing would help mitigate the issues of damage by waterlogging.


Scenario 2 : Cochin International Airport Case Study / Role Play

The challenge given to our team was that there was shortage of power/electricity at the airport and at the same time there was a problem with the availability of land for installation of further solar panels.

Through the method of role play we were able to analyze the problem through the perspective of not just one but multiple stakeholders of the organization (airport).

We came up with solutions based on the details and scenarios mentioned in the case.

Our proposal was to initially stop supplying excess electricity that is produced, to the state government and use it for the purpose airport operations itself. This was obviously a short-term solution.

For the long term, we came up with a plan to increase the area of the airport in order to install new solar panels and also for the purpose of making optimum utilization of the already existing space, we suggested the installation of solar panels on the roof.

In order to compensate the owners of the lands that would be bought for the purpose, apart from the price of the land, we would also offer them employment in solar panels maintenance related tasks in the airport.

Another alternative for the long term is that we can work on harnessing electricity from the tidal energy, which is also a sustainable approach.

During the class, we enacted out the situation and took into consideration various stakeholders like customer, airport management staff, airport management authority, a representative from the government aviation ministry.

We were able to understand the case much more and in in more depth while we discussed how the problem and the solution could be enacted out in the role play.

It was a good learning experience!


The above are two write ups by the students on the Kochi airport role play.

The learning was simply great ..


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