Monday, December 07, 2020

Intro case on SCM

This case from Business India on the challenges faced by the Indian dairy industry, by Mother Dairy in Delhi, is a good intro case to Supply chain management, taken from the text book on SCM written by Prof. B. Mahadevan from Production and Operations area of IIM Bangalore .

Even though it is more than six years old, this is an excellent case to explain to the students the need for Supply Chain Management, on the complexities faced by the Indian supply chains, especially how complicated is the dairy supply chain in India. The extent of uncertainties, the varied players, the transportation and storage complexities is really an eye opener for students. 

I circulate copies in the class and students respond wonderfully whenever I have taken this case to introduce SCM to the students.

A big thanks to Business India and Prof. Mahadevan from IIMB.


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