Monday, December 07, 2020

Is Digital Transformation about technology or talent ?

This is a very interesting question that came up while having a discussion with my faculty colleagues on the necessity of including Digital transformation topics into an advanced MBA course curriculum, like we have at Alliance School of Business, Bangalore. I am sure Indian Institutes of Management in their different campuses and XLRI, Bajaj Institutes will get to learn a lot from our experiences as and when we share them with the public. 

The other day I was going through an HBR paper titled Digital transformation is about talent, not technology (click here) by Becky and Tomas in May '20 issue. It was really an eye opener.

Innovation is otherwise called Creative Destruction. Technological Innovation and people talent go hand in hand. One may have the best technological innovation, but if the right people are not available to deploy the technology, the technology is of no use. 

Which are the other areas to concentrate for a successful digital transformation ?

  • As much as technology plays a big role in Digital Transformation, it is also about investing in training people. 
  • Focus on the soft skills of people of offering sup[port and the right motivation to employees 
  • As all the time, the chnage should get full support from the top management and in fact should be driven by the top management.
  • Data Insights available from the analysis of data using algorithms should be acted upon to take advantage. Data is the new Oxygen for the industry.
  • Digital transformations are not bound to be successful from the word go, it can fail, but fail fast, so that corrective actions can be resorted to. If failing fast is not possible, learn slow and succeed slowly should be the guiding principle.

The above points lead us to the conclusion that Digital Transformation is much as about developing the right talent, as it is about having the right technology.


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