Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Ground-breaking innovation ..

Mansukhbjai  Prajapathi in his innovation of Mitti-cool refrigerator has shown to the world how one can use natural methods to achieve engineering feats. Mansukhbhai has by using clay, saw dust and some additives ensured that he can give a zero expense refrigerator that can constantly  ensure temperature of about 7-8 deg C lower than normal temperature under normal atmospheric pressure.. 

Mansukhbhai is looking for scaling up his innovation. Even though at first sight, the innovation of Mitti-cool appears very simple and obvious, what one cannot brush aside is the fact that Mitti-cool is a demonstration of using natural resources without any extra expenses, inputs or energy. Just leave it, it gets the thing what it is meant to do day in and day out. Is it not something great ? Can we think of the same philosophy in other systems ?

Mitti-cool is a very live concept in the area of cooling our natural environments which will help us in ensuring a better living environment.

Can we use the same simple and practical thoughts (without any investments in energy, added material) to ensure our transportation systems, health systems, education systems, waste handling systems, healthcare systems remain functional ?

Objectives of ground-breaking innovation :

1. Innovations are very simple, less complex and easy to handle
2. Innovations are lean in nature and have zero recurring costs either on energy, training, maintenance
3. Innovations are made of naturally and locally available materials
4. Ground-breaking innovations involve minimum costs in transportation and logistics as they are locally made
5. These innovations ensure high value to the customer or end-user because of low running costs
6. Innovations generate least waste and hence is less challenging in waste management
7. Innovations are not pushed to the customer, instead they are pulled by the customer depending on his needs, likes and wants.
8. Innovations do not end in themselves, instead are constantly innovated and managed.


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