Friday, June 24, 2016

Shiva Kumar feeds thousands in Bangalore everyday, not even Jesus did it .. ..

Where all established religions fail !!
Caring only for the rich and affluent ..
Shiva Kumar is a living God ..

Where all established religions fail, caring only for the rich and affluent .. Shiva Kumar is a living God .. It looks like all the established religions around Bangalore have abdicated the responsibility of feeding and caring for the poor and hungry of Bangalore totally, submitting and prostrating themselves completely, equivocally at Shivkumar's feet ..

He takes leftover food from all marriage halls across Bangalore and distributes them for free to people in slums and needy people across the city.

A noble deed !! Click here for the link ..

What a shame and a matter of disgrace for the established, bureaucratic religions with their hierarchy, positions of power, authority ? Do the spiritual leaders, who are supposed to have very pious, selfless thinking, ever think of the poor at least for a minute daily ? They are thankful to God for protecting their chair, the incoming revenues to get their expenses running and the daily bureaucratic chores going. They find excuses they are too busy with the daily activities to protect their asses, that they get very less time to care for the real warriors of God, the poor, weak, vulnerable and less fortunate in society. They are busy protecting their seats of power and authority.

Though they care least for the poor and needy, they do not mince words in their prayers to claim to represent all sections of society. HYPOCRITES to the core !! 

I challenge all the religious organisations, especially the Christian community across Bangalore, instead of building bigger and bigger religious structures and churches, can you PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE do something good for the poor and the society  ??

Otherwise the religious organisations are worthless .. pity them .. This should be a wakeup call to all fat, insensitive, selfish religious leaders, buck up and start doing something for society, lest people kick you out !

Religious institutions exist not for politics, it does not signify authority, it is not bureaucracy, it is not a command center, it is not a cult, it is not clout, it is not a mafia, it is not business, it is not a syndicate, neither is it the underworld, a religious institution will lose its relevance if it fattens day by day, uncaring for the suffering millions around.

Any religious institution becomes meaningless if it cannot at least be a service centre and nothing more !!


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